The concert series is dedicated to Jean 'Gae" Elfenbein, a prominent personality in the Berkshires. While running an antique business with her husband, she was a reporter and community activist. She grew from working the social desk at the Berkshire Eagle to the news desk, covering projects across the Berkshires. Her stories of a terminal young cancer victim and his family and their struggles led to the establishment of the local Make-a-Wish chapter. She was a longtime board member and past Board President of the Elizabeth Freeman Center. She served on the Lanesborough Finance Committee and School Board, and was elected in 2002 to the Lanesborough Board of Selectmen, serving two terms. In 2004 she wrote a popular book, The Insider's Guide to the Berkshires. Gae was instrumental in establishing the original concert series, The Sunset Concerts at the Old Stone Church, in 2000. Gae passed in July of 2010.
Along with our many local sponsors, this program is supported in part by a grant from the Cultural Council of Northern Berkshire, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. |